Hello everyone!
Yes, we are a bit late! But, we have a lot of updates for you 🙂
A new map and four updated, UI update and fixes…
Are you ready for this March update? Let’s go!
A new capture the flag map. This time, we release an outdoor map. It is scaled for 3v3 to 5v5; take a look :
Laboratory has a new level art update. We released an intermediate version for the latest duel tournament, and here is the “final” version:
We updated basketball with some structural changes, texture updates, and lights.
Vertigo is updated with a structural change for flag rooms:
Dynamic lights update.
- Fixed an issue on the replay page menu where a textfield was not updated.
- Fixed an issue on the HUD page, where the opacity status bar was not updated as expected.
- Fixed an issue on the commands page, where some sensitivities conversion was not correct.
- Fixed an issue on the error message window where the textfield wasn’t big enough.
- Fixed an issue where a player in spectator mode blocks the match on a “waiting state”.
- Fixed some collisions on CTF-Spacedock.
Loading Screen
Now, map creators can add a loading screen to their map.

Steam Avatar

End game UI
Previously, when the game ended, scores, stats, and vote map UI were loaded. Now, we load only one UI with scores/stats/chat and vote map.