Arena Fans, a new weapon presentation for you! This week, we are pleased to show you the GRENADE LAUNCHER *.
Features :
– Fire Rate : 0,9 s
– Damages : 65 HP
– Max Ammo : 12
– Weapon type : Projectile
Description :
We know it, grenade launchers have their place in a FPS Arena.
This one has a special place in Master Arena for its two shooting modes :
-Primary fire : launching of a green grenade able to bounce off walls and floors,
-Secondary fire : launching of a red grenade exploding on the first impact. This latter uses 2 ammo/shot.
Do not hesitate to post a review, and to share this news on the social media of your choice.
Finally, to not miss the next news :

See you next week for another weapon.
* This weapon will be remastered.