Welcome to the server setting page! Here, you will find some explanation about the server startup commands line.
Let’s take for example the following server command line:
If you use the game client: start .\Binaries\Win64\MasterArena.exe server DM-SpaceDock?game=MasterArena.MATeamGame?AdminPassword=MAFPSADMIN?MaxPlayers=6?TimeLimit=5?bIsLanMatch=0?steamsockets -Port=7777 -QueryPort=27015 -CONFIGSUBDIR=DedicatedServer1
If you use the dedicated server apps: start .\Binaries\Win64\MasterArena-Server.exe DM-SpaceDock?game=MasterArena.MATeamGame?AdminPassword=MAFPSADMIN?MaxPlayers=6?TimeLimit=5?bIsLanMatch=0?steamsockets -Port=7777 -QueryPort=27015 -CONFIGSUBDIR=DedicatedServer1
Where you have:
?game=MasterArena.MATeamGame : Set the default gametype as Team Deathmatch mode. ?AdminPassword=####### : Set admin password. ?MaxPlayers=X : Server Max Players. ?TimeLimit=5 : Game Time up to 5 minutes. ?bIsLanMatch=0 : Define LAN or WAN server. -Port=7777 : Server port. -QueryPort=27015 : Steam Master Servers port. -CONFIGSUBDIR=DedicatedServer1 : Create a subfolder in \masterarenaserver\UDKGame\Config\
Game modes
To set a game mode, the commands are the following:
?game=MasterArena.MADeathMatch : for Deathmatch mode. ?game=MasterArena.MACTFGame : for Capture the Flag mode. ?game=MasterArena.MATeamGame : for Team Deathmatch mode. ?game=MasterArena.MADuel : for the DUEL mode
Other commands
?GamePassword=##### : Game password. ?AdminPassword=##### : Admin password. ?WarmupTime=60 : Warmup Time in seconds. ?PlayersMustBeReady=0 : 0 or 1 : Should all players be ready before the start of the game ? ?GoalScore=0 : A goal score set to 0 = unlimited score. ?BalanceTeams=0 : 0 or 1. ?ForceRespawn=0 : 0 or 1. ?MinNetPlayers=2 : Minimum human players to start the game. ?NumPlay=4 : Minimum in game player, if Numplay < NumHumanPlayer, bots are added. ?MaxSpectators=2 : Spectators slots. ?EnableMapVote=1 : 0 or 1.
MapsList Settings:
The maps list file is located at \masterarenaserver\UDKGame\Config\DedicatedServerX and under the name UDKMAMapList.ini
You will have something like this:
[MasterArena.MAMapList] MapList=DM-Fuse#DM MapList=DM-Mars#DM MapList=DM-Creuset#DM MapList=DM-Basement#DM MapList=DM-SpaceDock#DM Index=0
This defines a simple map rotation on DeathMatch (DM). If you want to play a specific map in TDM (in this example DM-Fuse), you should write: