Hello everyone!
Tonight we invite you to a community map playtest! at 09:00 PM CET / 12:00 PM PST.
We will test:
CTF-Excite: A capture the flag map created by FX^

Steam workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2343689879
CTF-GlassesTemple: A capture the flag map created by Rudeb0y

Steam workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2277037576
CTF-DoubleTowers: A capture the flag map created by ChoKo

CTF-Instakill: A capture the flag map created by ChoKo

See you tonight!
We hope you will like it! Feel free to join the discord and join the community 🙂
If you have any bugs, issues, or suggestions, do not hesitate to discuss them with us on discord. Feel free to invite your friends to join us, share, and like on socials networks.
See you in-game, Master Arena Dev Team.