To begin this year, we release a full rework of the level art of CTF-AndAction and a new meta for duel game type! Are you ready?
After analyzing 2020 duel tournaments, we have arranged the perks to have a better balancing for this game mode:
Light Robot perks:
- Blindness swapped with Xray.
- Ghost swapped with Freon.
- Shield swapped with Heal.
Standard Robot perks:
- Smoke (no change).
- Freon swapped with Ghost.
- Teleporter swapped with Shield.
Heavy Robot perks:
- Gas swapped with Teleporter.
- Heal swapped with Gas.
- Xray swapped with Blindness.

- Duel mode: Carnage pickup is now replaced by a +50HP (and no longer by a rocket launcher).
- DM-Mars: New pickups distribution.
- Damages popup: They are smaller and now colored depending on the damage dealt.
- Sounds: Some attenuation filters for dodges / wall-dodges / jump / super jump / teleporter were adjusted.
- Smoke perk: Fixed an issue where the x-ray does not work.
- Ghost perk: the opacity of the character’s skin is corrected.
- Some logs added to be able to analyze some rare game crash.
We hope you will like it! Feel free to join the discord and join the community 🙂
A Happy new year, and see you tomorrow for the community maps playtest!
If you have any bugs, issues, or suggestions, do not hesitate to discuss them with us on discord. Feel free to invite your friends to join us, share, and like on socials networks.
See you in-game, Master Arena Dev Team.